Okay, so last week delivered two of the year’s best movies. What do we get this week? Well, it’s not all bad.
Alive Inside: A documentary about a man who provides a remarkable service for people with dementia. Manipulative? Absolutely. But it works.
And So it Goes: Rob Reiner directs Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton in a new comedy about a cranky man who learns to love, written by the guy who gave us As Good As it Gets. I think Susan‘s playing the “eh, the olds will like it” card in her review.
Citizen Koch: Carl Deal and Tia Lessin examine the pervasive (and perverse) influence of right-wing billionaires on American politics in this grim documentary. If you’re not angry now …
GMO OMG: I hated this movie last year, and I hate it even more this year. Gaaah.
Hercules: In which Brett Ratner demonstrates — once again — that there is no genre he cannot render utterly mediocre.
I Origins: Mike Cahill follows Another Earth with a similarly small-scale study of people caught up in a cosmic event. I thought it was pretty nifty, but certain plot points may prove more divisive to others.
Lucy: In which Scarlett Johansson becomes the superhero we always knew she could be, thanks to Luc Besson and a lot of CGI. Rad’s Glenn‘s review is up, and he’s into it.
A Master Builder: Jonathan Demme brings Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory’s recent production of the Ibsen tragedy to the screen, with as much intimacy as the medium will allow.
A Most Wanted Man: It is a testament to Philip Seymour Hoffman’s ability that he can make you forget he’s dead for two hours. And then the movie ends, and you’re shattered all over again. And the movie’s pretty good too.
The Privileged: Leah Walker’s psychological thriller pits a young couple against a slightly older couple at a lake house. You’ve seen it.
And that should be everything. Oh, except for the part where I tell you that I’m doing a Q&A with Ellar Coltrane after the 8:20pm screening of Boyhood this Saturday at the Varsity. It will be great. I can say this with some honesty because I just did one with him last night and it was also great. Please join us, you won’t regret it.
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