This week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie is, I fear, the most fun I will have all month.
That’s because my guest is Jacob Anderson, the almost distressingly charismatic actor you’ll recognize from Game of Thrones, Broadchurch, Overlord, the titular role in the HBO series Interview with the Vampire … and he wanted to talk about Hot Rod.
Hot Rod is a movie we both love, and no one else seems to — or at least that was how it felt when the movie arrived in the summer of 2007 — but honestly, I’ll embrace any chance to talk about what the Lonely Island guys are up to, how well the story of unproven stuntman Rod Kimble holds up almost twenty years later, and the film’s place in a kinder, more absurdist cycle of comedy that arrived as a response to the meaner, Farrelly-driven brand that dominated Hollywood in the ’90s.
The reason for our conversation, by the way, is that Jacob co-stars in Alice Lowe’s delightfully bizarre historical romance Timestalker, opening in US theaters and dropping on digital for Valentine’s Day on Friday. The Canadian release is still being worked out, and this is why you should come to Secret Movie Club whenever you have the opportunity. (There’s another edition coming up next Tuesday, by the way.)
So jump in, and lose yourself in the giddy joys of two guys talking about a ridiculous favorite. The show awaits you on Apple, Spotify, YouTube Podcasts or your podcatcher of choice … and of course you can download the episode directly from the web and listen while you practice your fighting skills in your stepfather’s basement. His time will come.
(And obviously, we missed the obvious point of connection between The Lonely Island and Lord/Miller: The guys back up Tegan and Sara on The LEGO Movie‘s magnificent earworm “Everything is Awesome!!!” That’s on me.)
Then go catch up on Shiny Things, why don’t you? Last week I wrote about the contrast in the way Universal and Warner treated Wicked and Juror #2, and I’m queuing up a piece about some deep catalogue cuts from Arrow Video as you read this. All you have to do is subscribe, and it will be yours!