Memories of Green (Fish)

You know what I love? Love. I love love.There are only a few distributors foolhardy enough to go up against a Harry Potter movie, so the release slate is relatively light this week. And that’s nice, actually, because the next few weeks are going to be insane.

“The End of the Line”: You like sushi, do you? Me too; that’s kind of the problem. Rupert Murray’s sobering documentary explores the global impact of overfishing, and comes to the disturbing conclusion that, sometime in the next forty years or so, fish will be … over. Glenn and Adam elaborate.

(500) Days of Summer“: Hey, remember when Zooey Deschanel was a breath of fresh, idiosyncratic air rather than a blank-eyed zombie who insisted on singing once per feature? I can’t really blame her for taking the path of least resistance, but so is everybody else in this focus-grouped quirkfest, designed to please people who want their indie edge to look and sound as much like “How I Met Your Mother” as possible. (Which is actually edgier than this. It had a goat last season.)

Seraphine“: Yolande Moreau delivers an excellent performance in Martin Provost’s utterly unsentimental variation on the tortured-artist biopic; if it looks familiar, that’s because you’ve been seeing it on the DVD shelves for a month and a half now. Here’s hoping this is a trend; I can think of half a dozen other movies E1 has sent straight to disc that deserve a shot at the big screen.

“The Stoning of Soraya M.”: Cyrus Nowrasteh turns Freidoune Sahebjam’s tale of a judicially sanctioned honor killing in 1986 Iran into a hand-wringing indictment of evil Muslim patriarchy. Susan feels its bludgeoning approach is excessive, but justified; Adam begs to disagree.

And now, I’m off to see my first Cannes film of 2009 … in a Toronto screening room. Stupid lousy economic downturn.