It was only a matter of time before we had another American Hustle situation on Someone Else’s Movie … where a guest picks a movie I absolutely cannot stand.
But I’m glad it happened, and I’m also glad it was filmmaker Sean Cisterna who chose Life is Beautiful; as you’ll hear, his love for Roberto Benigni’s Holocaust fable is genuine and pure, and the movie is intertwined with his own work, especially his new film From the Vine, in interesting ways. And he absolutely didn’t pick it to torture me, which I repect.
So go on and listen! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher and get the episode immediately, or download it directly from the web. And then, if you’re curious, go back and catch the very early episode of Black Hole Films where I show up as a ringer to demolish the film after Jeremy LaLonde, Eric Johnson and Jessica Greco spend two hours being blatantly manipulated by it. That’s a good one.
And this being Tuesday, there’s also a new episode of NOW What for you, featuring Toronto city councillor and Board of Health chair Joe Cressy on our long-overdue mandatory mask bylaw. It’s a public service!