TIFF kicks off in eight days and I am just fine. I really am! We’re settling into the new place, I’m getting back into a good rhythm with Shiny Things and putting the final touches on this other project I’ve got going on with TIFF Cinematheque later this fall. You’ll see.
So why is this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie a rerun? Two reasons: First, it’s a great episode and I thought it’d be fun to revisit one of the very earliest episodes of the show almost eight and a half years later … and second (and probably more relevant), Children Ruin Everything is airing on The CW in the US now, and a lot of people are discovering the exquisite comic exasperation of Aaron Abrams … so why the hell wouldn’t I want to roll his episode back into the world?
Especially when Aaron picked Bill Murray and Howard Franklin’s Quick Change, one of the all-time great comedies of frustration, as a trio of over-it New Yorkers (Murray, Geena Davis and Randy Quaid) rob a Manhattan bank to fund their exit plan only to find they can’t actually leave New York City. It’s a brilliant picture with an absolutely incredible bench of character actors, and Aaron was just wonderfully accommodating of a neophyte podcaster who wasn’t really sure what he was doing at that point. Not that I’m any more confident now, I suspect.
Anyway, it’s my gift to you all, so go enjoy it! It’s available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher and/or Spotify, and of course you can also download the episode directly from the web and listen to it on the way to the goddamn airport.
And then go catch up on Shiny Things, why don’t you? I just published a paid edition looking at Criterion’s splendid new 4K disc of Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams and their Blu-ray edition of Cheryl Dunye’s The Watermelon Woman, and there’s more coming soon. Subscribe if you haven’t already; you like movies, right? Otherwise, why are you even here?