It’s two days to TIFF and everything is chugging along just fine, honest! Unpacking is good cardio! The heat wave has not melted my brain inside my skull at all!
(Honestly, though, moving to a house with modern climate control has been an incredible improvement. I’m still not sleeping well, because after one’s late forties that’s just not a thing, but I’m pretty sure I’m sleeping better than I have in a while. Also: Water pressure! Water pressure!)
Anyway, as I prepare to fire myself into the whirlwind of TIFF 2023, here’s a new episode of Someone Else’s Movie for ya, featuring writer-director M.H. Murray — whose excellent first feature I Don’t Know Who You Are it will be my pleasure to introduce to the world on Thursday night — on Krzysztof Kieslowski’s magnificent 1993 drama Three Colors: Blue. the one where Juliette Binoche goes swimming.
Look, if you’ve never seen it I’m certainly not going to ruin it for you. Go subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and/or Spotify, and of course you can also download the episode directly from the web and listen to it in the rush line.
And also! Shiny Things! This week I wrote about the manic pixie dream characters that unite Roman Holiday, Weird Science and The Flash — hey, this is my thing — and the next edition will focus on two remarkable new boxed sets from Via Vision’s Imprint line. Are you a subscriber? You should be a subscriber.
See you around the festival. I’ll be the guy with the unearned air of confidence, trying to figure out how to take over the Talking Heads screening.