Eleven months ago — almost to the day! — I spent my 50th birthday on the set of one of my favorite TV shows, Killjoys, as Team Awesome Force powered through the fifth and last season. That season debuts tomorrow night (10 pm on Space!), so now I can finally run my set-visit piece in NOW.
No spoilers for the new season, because I’m not a monster. But I’ve seen the first three episodes, and they’re exactly what you want them to be.
And apologies to everyone else who was there, but who I wasn’t able to quote in the piece — Kelly McCormack, Sean Baek, Patrick Garrow, Tamsen McDonough, Rob Stewart, Alanna Bale, Beth Iley, Julian Doucet, Thom Allison and Gavin Fox — because of space restrictions. It was great to see you all. Keep ’em flying.
What am I doing for my birthday this year? Well, the day itself is still a haze, but the night before will be spent in a sacred state, watching Jaws at the Revue Cinema on the evening of Thursday, August 15th with my birthday buddy and fellow Friend of Bruce Paul Sun-Hyung Lee.
You remember how we bonded over the movie on his episode of the podcast, right? Well, this was inevitable. Come join us! It’ll be so much fun.