When Obsessions Converge

I really should pick this up sometimeThe Onion AV Club just put up a rather massive interview with Cory Doctorow, the Toronto-raised, London-based author of the SF-culture novels “Eastern Standard Tribe”, “Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town” and “Little Brother” and co-owner of the invaluable BoingBoing.net.

It’s a good read, even if you aren’t a constant reader of both the AV Club and BoingBoing, and you don’t, say, depend on them for half of your own blog posts.

Incidentally, if you aren’t a constant reader of both the AV Club and BoingBoing, you really should be, because you’re missing some really fun stuff, as well as intelligent, frequently hysterical comment threads that inevitably follow even the weirdest pieces.

Carry on.