The Seaside, Surrounded by Sheep

Taken while tethered to a bandstandThey have the interwebs everywhere now!

I’m posting this from a lovely bed and breakfast in Aberdovey, on the Welsh coast. It’s a tiny little inlet populated by border collies and terriers, with the odd chip shop thrown in for variety.

To get here from the South, we had to drive through Sandford, in Gloucestershire — which some of you may recall as the setting for “Hot Fuzz”. Sadly, Edgar Wright actually shot the film in his home town of Wells, so we had no luck location-spotting.

When we get back to London later this week, I have every intention of scouring Crouch End for the Winchester Tavern. And when I find it, I will reward myself with a Cornetto.

Yep. I’m that guy now.

4 thoughts on “The Seaside, Surrounded by Sheep”

  1. Aaah. The homeland. Not that I’ve ever been there or anything.

    Hold Kate back at Colinette today. I’d go absolutely nuts there and blow the family’s food budget.

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