The Conversationalist

It's just that I had this dream where you got killed by a witchThe casual reader of today’s NOW might conclude that all I do is interview people these days. It’s just the way the schedule crumbles; I sat down with Agnes Varda and Jeffrey Levy-Hinte when they came to TIFF almost a year ago.

“Humpday” stars Joshua Leonard and Alycia Delmore? That just happened last week. See, I don’t seem nearly as busy when you look at it that way … unless you’re in the room with me as I frantically try to turn all those audio files into stories.

Sorry, didn’t mean to get ahead of myself: I sat down with Agnes Varda last year. This Agnes Varda. That was kind of a big deal for me. Lovely woman, very entertaining. Kinda hard to distill into 400 words, though.

In other news, still loving the job.