The Calm Before the Storm

Trust us, we're a metaphorThe week’s DVD column is up at Sympatico/MSN, taking a look at three somewhat unusual thrillers — “The Lookout”, “Fracture” and “Vacancy” — which all happen to be arriving on disc today.

(Too bad “Disturbia” came out last week; it would have folded in nicely.)

I’m attending my second TIFF press screening this morning, embarking on the annual month of movie hell a little earlier than usual; the screenings usually don’t start until the week of August 20th, but this year they began yesterday. (And without breaking any review embargos, I’ll just say they began very, very badly.)

Which means I will be a gibbering wreck by, oh, the third day of the festival proper, rather than the ninth.

Hey, forewarned is forearmed.