Wednesday is National Canadian Film Day, so this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie features a Canadian filmmaker talking about a movie that may not have maple syrup in its veins, but definitely has Timbit crumbs on its shirt.
That’d be Gus Van Sant’s Good Will Hunting, the Oscar-winning 1997 indie that substituted classrooms at U of T and Central Tech for Harvard, and even shot its most famous scene in a Toronto bar. And its influence on Michael’s own work is pretty clear — Matt Damon and Ben Affleck’s screenplay taught him that earnestness is a good thing, if you can bring the audience along — so it totally earns its honourary Leafs jersey.
Also, it’s a solid drama with excellent performances all around, and one that holds up surprisingly well a quarter of a century later. (Yes, it’s been 25 years since Good Will Hunting came out. Try not to feel old.)
You should listen, is what I’m saying. Subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher or wherever and get it instantly, or download it directly from the web.
And like some apples, would ya? They’re wicked good for you.