On this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie, I’m joined by the very talented writer, producer and performer Stephanie Kaliner, whom I first met a few years back when she and Sara Hennessey brought Terrific Women to CBC Gem, and whose delightful new animated series Pinecone & Pony just dropped on Apple TV+.
And what did we talk about? Moana, the 2016 animated musical adventure that brought together Lin-Manuel Miranda, Taika Waititi, The Rock and the directors of The Little Mermaid … and turned out to be one of Disney’s best pictures in years. Seriously, it totally holds up even if I’m not 100% on the giant singing crab; I’m much more partial to the idiot rooster.
Want to hear us discuss all of the above points? It’s easy! Subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher or wherever and get it instantly, or download the episode directly from the web. It’s a fun one. And really, what else were you going to do today?