Hey, look! I promised a timely update this week and here it is!
Partially that’s because of the holiday weekend, but also it’s because this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie is very short and didn’t take too much time to put together — once I gave up trying to tweak the background noise.
That’s because this was my one and only recording during TIFF, on the lower floor of a hotel restaurant with actor-turned-filmmaker Charlotte Le Bon — whose new movie Falcon Lake screened at the festival last month, and opens this Friday across Canada! (We’ve got it at the Lightbox, of course.) It’s a delicate little film steeped in atmospheric longing, with a little bit of an otherworldly element floating around in there — I described it in the episode as “boy meets girl, and also there’s something in the lake”. Ultimately it’s just a really good little movie.
And Charlotte wanted to further contextualize it by discussing Call Me By Your Name, another sun-dappled romance on which I am slightly less high but about which I am more than willing to chat for twenty minutes. So that’s what we did!
Want to listen? It’s easy! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher or wherever or download it directly from the web like Elio would surely insist on doing because he’s one of those kids.
And then, catch up on your Shiny Things! Last week I wrote about my disappointment with The Shark Is Broken, because what the hell, and then took a deep dive into the pleasures of Imprint Films, a relatively new Blu-ray label launched by Australian distributor Via Vision that’s been doing some excellent work of late. Have you subscribed yet? You really ought to subscribe.