Sooo, no post yesterday. That’s what happens when you perfect a new party drink, I suppose; your keyboarding skills become … unreliable. Also, your reading comprehension suffers terribly — did the Sandra Bullock football movie really beat the sparkle vampires at the box-office over the weekend? (Apparently so.)
What was the drink, you ask? Why, nothing more complicated than four ounces of President’s Choice Mulled Apple and a finger of Canadian Club, garnished with cranberries and a sprinkle of nutmeg and cinnamon. We called it the Chudleigh Chunderer. Goes down like sody pop, it does. And then you have a lovely nap.
But today I’ve rebounded, all fresh and clean and ready to face tonight’s announcement of Canada’s Top Ten, for whatever that’s worth. But first, I have to catch up to “The White Ribbon”, because there’s no joy without suffering, apparently.