On this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie, I am forced to think about Luis Prieto’s Kidnap, the one where Halle Berry drives all over New Orleans in pursuit of her abducted son.
Having pretty much loathed it when I reviewed it two years ago, I never expected I’d have to talk about it again — but I’m really glad that Lev Lewis, Yonah Thomas and Calvin Thomas chose it for their episode. When I launched the show, one of its more appealing aspects was the requirement that I be as non-judgmental as possible even when the guest has chosen a film I can’t stand. It’s made for some interesting, unpredictable conversations, and this week’s is definitely one of them.
Also, you should check out their new movie Spice It Up, which will enjoy an MDFF Presents screening at the Lightbox on Thursday before its official theatrical run begins on Friday. It’s a weird one, but it’s stuck with me.
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