Of Men and Monsters

Somehow — probably by sheer bloody-mindedness — Someone Else’s Movie marks its sixth anniversary today. That’s 328 episodes, or roughly twelve and a half days’ worth of listening to my dumb voice. All self-deprecation aside, I’m really proud of the podcast and happy that it lets me talk to artists about art, batting ideas back and forth across the ether and getting all excited about this performance or that editorial choice.

Today, for example, I’m joined by Come True writer-director Anthony Scott Burns to celebrate Manhunter, and discuss both its impact on his own work and its place in the larger context of Michael Mann’s ouevre. It’s a good conversation, and honestly I’ll welcome any chance to talk about Brian Cox’ Lecter Lektor.

Wanna listen? Of course you do! Subscribe on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play and Stitcher, or download the episode directly from the web. It’s waiting for you.

And then you can listen to today’s brand-new NOW What, in which Rad, Kevin, Glenn and I dig into yesterday’s Oscar nominations. Which mostly don’t suck this year!

And then, if you’re feeling the need to vicariously experience crushing disappointment, you’re welcome to read my review of Zack Snyder’s Justice League. I watched it so you don’t have to!

In preparation, I also revisited Man of SteelBatman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and the theatrical cut of Justice League last week, and I still  believe Heny Cavill could have been a great Superman if Snyder had let him. But hey, just because you can piss in a Mason jar and call it Granny’s Peach Tea …

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