It’s Someone Else’s Movie‘s anniversary week and I’m feeling generous, so I thought I’d give everyone a bonus episode.
Also, it just so happens that BenDavid Grabinski‘s first feature Happily arrives on VOD today, and I really liked it so I wanted to spread the word.
Also, BenDavid picked Jonathan Demme’s Something Wild, which remains an absolute joy to watch 35 years after its release, so I was delighted to spend an hour talking about the hows and whys of it. And rewatching the film, I found a new appreciation for Demme’s casting chops; Melanie Griffith’s hesitant line readings really shouldn’t work, but he finds a context for them that absolutely sings.
Come along for the ride! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher, or download the episode directly from the web. And then watch Happily. It’s really good.
Today’s episode of NOW What is also about the movies, or more specifically about the movie, Zack Snyder’s Justice League. which dawned on HBO Max and Crave yesterday and — just as expected — set the internet on fire. And since Rad and I have very different takes on the movie, and Snyder’s contributions to the overall DC project, we thought it might be fun to talk through those takes for 45 very nerdy minutes. It’s on all the platforms, and you can also find it at the bottom of Rad’s piece right here.
Also! Here’s this weekend’s What to Watch digest, and my review of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, which didn’t arrive in time to make the package but now gets to be its own thing. Isn’t that nice? I think that’s nice.