Is it NOW Free Flick Mondays time already? Why, yes it is! And tonight we’re screening Donnie Darko, embracing the post-Halloween, pre-election murk of Richard Kelly’s haunting first feature — the one that minted Jake Gyllenhaal as the indie It boy, sparked endless late-night college conversations that you probably all regret now and left Kelly with a conceptual bar he’s been trying to clear ever since.
(Fun fact: I’ve been sitting on a SEMcast episode about this for a full year now, waiting for the right time to release it. I should probably just drop it, huh.)
Full details at our Facebook page, but you know the way it goes — doors open at 6:30 pm, movie starts at 7:30 pm, first hundred guests get free popcorn and everybody gets a free movie.
You’re coming, right? You should come. The fate of the tangent universe may depend on it. It probably doesn’t, but just in case.