Lost Together

Somebody once told me their favorite thing about Someone Else’s Movie is its absolute unpredictability; it’ll be about a comedy one week and a drama the next, swerving in tone based on who the guest is and what they choose to talk about.

Well, this week’s episode is definitely a major swerve from last week’s, when John Hodgman and I talked about lavish productions, ludicrous moustaches and hallucinated Paddington sequels. Today, writer-director Antoine Bourges drops in to work through the austere, exacting psychodrama that is Chantal Akerman’s La Captive.

If you haven’t seen it, this may be a doubly challenging episode since La Captive is very hard to find at the moment. (I’m pretty sure Bay Street Video and Queen Video have it in town, though.) But if you’re familiar with the picture — or just with Akerman’s work — I think you’ll find it a really interesting conversation. And you should also make plans to see Antoine’s new film Fail to Appear when it opens at the Lightbox later this week. It’s really something.

You know how to get the podcast, right? Subscribe on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play or Stitcher, or download the episode directly from the web. And then maybe watch Jeanne Dielman again, it totally holds up.

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