Hi, everybody! I’m not entirely sure why the blog disappeared yesterday, or why it came back thinking it was June 24th, 2011. I’m just a simple cave man; your world is strange and frightening to me.
(Seriously, though, does anyone know the ins and outs of WordPress? Apparently I need to update my build, at the very least.)
Anyway, it would appear that the lost pages aren’t lost forever; they’re floating around on the server somewhere, and once my DNS information propagates itself around the net, they should magically reappear. At least, that’s the theory, because I have no frickin’ idea where to find them if they don’t.
In the meantime, “The Help” opens today, and unfortunately it’s exactly the sort of syrupy feel-good movie about institutionalized racism that the trailer promises. Viola Davis, Emma Stone and Jessica Chastain give their characters a little more weight than director Tate Taylor’s screenplay perhaps intended, revealing how one-dimensional the rest of his movie really is.
I’m told the book is quite good, though.