This week on Someone Else’s Movie, filmmaker (and Seventh Art co-founder) Pavan Moondi discusses Harold Ramis’ Groundhog Day, for which you surely have warm feelings already. I’ve been planning to book Pavan for an episode for a while, and with his new movie Diamond Tongues opening in Toronto on Friday, this was the ideal opportunity. Listen! Laugh! Learn?
As always, you can find it on iTunes, Stitcher or direct download. Maybe you’d enjoy listening to it on your way down to the Lightbox this evening to watch me square off against Jason Gorber in our second Versus engagement?
Jason’s championing Christian Bale as the movies’ best Batman in The Dark Knight at 8:45 pm. I will be respectfully disagreeing — it’s a great movie, but the real-world treatment of Batman lacks the essential craziness that Michael Keaton brought to his performance in Tim Burton’s films. Come on down and judge for yourself, why not?