Look to the Future

Come on, there's still time to get tickets!It’s hard to imagine at the moment, but two weeks from now, all this TIFF insanity will be over for another year, and we’ll be staring bravely forward into the fall movie season.

Which is why you’ll want to take a look at the Fall Movie Preview I’ve assembled for MSN Movies, looking at everything set to open between now and American Thanksgiving.

Sure, some of the titles are at the festival, but there’s plenty of others that aren’t. Shouldn’t you be prepared for everything?

3 thoughts on “Look to the Future”

  1. Re Anonymous, I wonder whether if it was Will or the Earl of Oxford who wrote Gladiator and The Last Samurai. (The trailer for Coriolanus says it is by the screenwriter of those two movies.) Enquiring minds want to know. Either way, they somehow missed inclusion in the first folio.

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