My latest MSN movie gallery uses the arrival of “The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day” to roll through a few other sequels that took, like, forever to arrive.
I believe the quarter-century between “The Hustler” and “The Color of Money” makes for the biggest gap, though there’s probably another pair with even more space between them. Did I miss anything else?
I mean, besides “Before Sunset” — which is impossible to discuss without ruining “Before Sunrise” for anyone who hasn’t seen that film — and “Son of the Mask”, which is best left buried in the shallow grave of the discount DVD bins?
Forget V’ger and Khaaaaaaan; I’m hoping Abrams taps John DeLancie on the shoulder to bring Q into the next Trek.
You missed a couple of biggies, Norm. Where are The Godfather Part III or The Two Jakes? 🙂
@ Josh — best ignored? But yeah, I probably should have squeezed them in. I have a modest appreciation for “The Two Jakes”, after all; it doesn’t work, but it doesn’t work in a melancholy, intriguing sort of way, so there’s that.
One could call ‘Xanadu’ a sequel to ‘Down to Earth,’ but Gene Kelly deserves far better things to be remembered for.
@ Norm, the gallery didn’t seem to be restricted to *good* sequels that came years later. Otherwise, how would Basic Instinct 2 get on there?
Anyway, I ran across another one on TV yesterday: An American Werewolf in Paris. Remember that one? Yeah, there’s a good reason why you purged it from memory. 🙂