Let’s All Go To The Sunken Place

This week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie is one of those where everything snaps together perfectly, and it’s been burning a hole in my hard drive for weeks so I’m delighted to finally release it. Calendar stuff, you understand — but it’s a pretty nice way to kick off the show’s fifth year.

The guest is Tananarive Due, an academic, author and  filmmaker — most recently, she was an executive producer on the Shudder documentary Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror, in which she appears as a talking head — and the movie is one she knows backwards and forwards: Jordan Peele’s brilliant deconstruction of American cultural horror, Get Out.

Tananarive spends an awful lot of time talking about the movie in her daily life, but she was more than happy to go through it again with me — and with Peele’s new movie Us opening on Friday, this seemed like the perfect time to drop the episode.

So go get that! Subscribe to the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play and Stitcher, or download the episode directly from the web. No teaspoons are clinked at any point in the conversation, in case you were worried.

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