My latest Sympatico/MSN DVD column tackles the double-barrelled onslaught of crazy formed by the simultaneous arrival of “Knowing” and “The Unborn” — go on, enjoy. As Norm Macdonald would say: Ridiculous! Ridiculous!
And in other slightly unbelievable news, I’ll be down at Harbourfront Centre this evening at 9 pm, co-presenting “Pretty in Pink” with Erica Ehm at the Sirius Stage screen. It’s the first in the Retro Reels series of free outdoor screenings, co-sponsored by NOW. Bring a blanket and some mousse and hang out!
Oooooh, Pretty in Pink, co-starring James “MumblyBoy” Spader. Ironic that Jon Cryer steals the whole movie…
100% with you on Knowing. Awful, awful movie.
Jumby? There wasn’t a scarier demon name available, like Fluffykins?
Erica Ehm?! There’s a name I haven’t heard in years.
I seem to be in the minority on PiP: love Spader, hate Cryer. My ideal cut would end with Duckie drawn and quartered; he’s like a FRIDAY THE 13th victim Jason forgot to kill.
I’ve been hunting for new major appliances for my kitchen, but I can never find a sales outlet that sells BLAINE.