I have to say, the marathon of spring festivals feels a lot like TIFF — there are fewer interviews, and I’m not seeing as many films theatrically, but that sense of a massive wall of obligations about to come crashing down on me at any moment? I’m so there.
So before I plunge back into the world of Hot Docs, here’s a rundown of this week’s theatrical releases …
“Earth”: Okay, it opened on Wednesday, but new is new. And more high-def nature footage from the “Planet Earth” people is always welcome … though it seems Disney felt it necessary to tone down that whole “red in tooth and claw” thing. Jason and Deirdre explain.
“Fighting”: Channing Tatum toughs up as a street-smart guy who, well, fights. A lot. Directed by Dito Monteil, who got great work from Tatum in “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints” a few years back … but Andrew finds this project doesn’t offer him the same opportunities.
“Obsessed”: A whole bunch of TV faces — Idris Elba, Ali Larter, Jerry O’Connell — play out El Attraction Fatalico for the texting generation, or something. Apparently Beyonce plays the angry wife, but I swear I thought that was someone else in the trailer.
“Only“: Appropriately enough, Ingrid Veninger and Simon Reynolds’ delicate tale of one afternoon in the life of two isolated kids is playing just four days at the Royal Cinema, on an indie double-bill with “Production Office” (which Rad reviews here); if you have the chance, you should really catch it. It’s a fine, fine film.
“The Soloist“: Jamie Foxx gurns it up big-time as a schizophrenic virtuoso in Joe Wright’s big, button-pushing, fence-swinger at a movie — a film for people who thought “Shine” and “A Beautiful Mind” didn’t go big enough in elaborating upon the connection between genius and madness. Robert Downey, Jr. keeps his dignity, but doesn’t he always?
“Three Monkeys“: Opinions on Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s grim Turkish drama were split at Cannes, but I thought it was quite good — sure, it’s darker than his previous films, but that just means he’s making an effort not to make the same movie over and over again. And I think the darkness works for this particular film.
Right, that’s the blog done — now, back to the Wall of Reality!
I know there have always been movies that use mental illness…and plenty that romanticize it…but there seem to be a lot already this year. I know The Soloist is about a schizophrenic (and is actually based on a real person), but it seems like bipolar disorder is the new “it” disorder. As someone whose life has been impacted by people with this disorder, I can’t wait for “them” to move on to something else.