“Harry Potter and the Penultimate Installment” squeaked past Disney’s “Tangled” by a hair to keep the top spot at the North American box-office this holiday weekend: The Boy Who Lived pulled in $50.3 million, as opposed to the $49.1 million grossed by the Mane That Grew.
It’s probably just as well. If the 3D “Tangled” had topped the 2D “Harry”, studios and exhibitors would use its victory to agitate for more post-facto 3D conversions. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1” was supposed to be one such release, but Warner abandoned the strategy several weeks ago when it became clear that the conversion wouldn’t be completed in time.
I’m still hoping the studio reneges on its promise to release “Part 2” in a 3D version. Anyone who’s seen David Yates’ other “Harry Potter” movies knows he uses darkness as a storytelling element, and I’d hate for his moody blacks, greens and browns to be turned into indistinct murk by the decreased brightness imposed by the 3D process.
“Tangled”, on the other hand, looks great in 3D. It was designed for it, it was “lit” for it, and the overall effect is exquisite. Have you seen it yet? It’s been playing for days!
“We’re gonna ride forever. You can’t keep horsemen in a cage.” RIP Leslie Nielsen.
Indeed, RIP. I wrote an appreciation for NOW: