There’s only one episode of Someone Else’s Movie this week — I have stuff to do! — but that’s okay, because it’s a good one: Alex Mallari, Jr., star of the charming CBC Gem series Hello (Again), joins me to talk about his love of Remember the Titans, the 2000 Disney movie where Denzel Washington and Will Patton solve systemic racism with high-school football.
Okay, it’s a little deeper than its concept, thanks to a raft of terrific actors able to sell unapologetically corny material and director Boaz Yakin’s gift for getting out of their way. The needle drops are a bit much, but if that’s the worst thing you can say about a studio sports picture more than two decades later … well, that’s not bad at all.
Check it out! It’s in all the usual spots — Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher — and available for direct download right here. And check back later this week for another Hello (Again) podcast, and some personal news.
Don’t worry, everything’s okay. Better than okay, really. You’ll see.