Given the sad reality that “Underworld: Rise of the Lycans” seems set to dominate this weekend’s box-office — being the only new film opening wide enough to register — we figured my latest Sympatico/MSN gallery should take a look at recent female action heroines.
The “hottest” designation was an editorial decision, mind you. And please note that neither Kate Beckinsale nor Rhona Mitra ultimately made the cut.
Also, here’s my NOW review of the “Underworld” threequel. It ain’t pretty, but then neither is the movie.
Hey, have you seen “Slumdog Millionaire” yet? Perhaps you’d like to go see that today — like, right now — the better to inflate its numbers and nudge “Underworld” out of the #1 spot? That’d be just swell of you.
Kick ass list. Do you think Angelina Jolie gets to keep the weapons from her movies, the way some actresses get to keep the clothes?
But about vampires…heard anything about Joss Whedon or J.J. Abrams doing a remake of Let the Right One In, or is it an unsubstantiated rumour? It could only do better by bloodsuckers than Twilight.
I’d heard that Matt Reeves, the director of “Cloverfield”, might be helming the remake, but I don’t know whether that’s actually happening or just online nerd buzz.
And almost anything is preferable to “Twilight”. Stupid glittering abstinence vampires.
Norm, Bill was played by David Carradine, not Keith Carradine.
A good list, though. I think Anne Parillaud also deserves a shout-out for La Femme Nikita.
Thanks for the catch — of course it was David, not Keith, I blame this stupid cold. I’ll see if I can fix it.
And yeah, I had Parillaud on my short list (along with Bridget Fonda, who I always found surprisingly convincing in the otherwise lame-ass remake), but we decided to keep it to more recent pictures. Which is why Milla Jovovich gets the nod for “Resident Evil” instead of _her_ Besson films, as it happens …
Think of the godawful marketing possibilities…glitter-encrusted Bella & Edward promise rings.
And River Tam could be an honorable mention on your list. She’s not the main character of the movie – Mal’s the hero – but she kicks ass better, and more gracefully, than anyone else in the ‘verse and her story is integral to what happens. I will take any chance to spread the word about Firefly/Serenity.