Well, that’s all she wrote for another year: TIFF wrapped up pleasantly and inoffensively yesterday afternoon with the announcement of its awards. The People’s Choice prize went to “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ By Sapphire”; the Canadian feature film prize went to Ruba Nadda’s “Cairo Time” and the Canadian first-feature prize went to “The Wild Hunt” — and hey, I’ve seen that one!
But now that it’s all over, we can get back to our real lives — spend time outside, see our families and friends, and shift back to our usual frivolous pursuits … like, oh, this week’s MSN Movies gallery, which uses Matt Damon’s unique look in “The Informant!” to goof on other classic examples of ridiculous facial hair.
Yep, that’s me: Talking to Jean-Marc Vallee about the common themes of defiance and identity in “C.R.A.Z.Y.” and “The Young Victoria” one minute, and mocking Nicolas Cage’s “Zandalee” goatee the next. Duality, c’est moi.