Category Archives: Podcasting!

Working Boy

Guidance-2working_girl3-thumb-600x3361This week on Someone Else’s Movie, Pat Mills — writer, director and star of the new comedy Guidance — joins me to discuss the mysterious alchemy of Mike Nichols’ Working Girl, a movie where Melanie Griffith got an Oscar nomination, Harrison Ford played a charming romantic lead and Sigourney Weaver was just the best, and no one noticed. We had a fun conversation about a fascinating example of ’80s studio moviemaking, and I think you would enjoy listening.

You can get it on iTunes oStitcher, or by direct download. (If you’re going to the SEMcast site, I’d recommend downloading the file rather than using the streaming player, by the way; some people have reported problems with pausing and fast-forwarding.)

In other news, Team Keaton was defeated by Team Bale (or, more likely, Team Christopher Nolan Fanboy) in this summer’s Versus series, so TIFF is punishing everyone by showing them what a really campy Batman movie looks like. Yup, Adam West and Burt Ward run around in spandex in 1966’s ultra-cartoonish Batman: The Movie, screening tonight at 9 pm at the TIFF Bell Lightbox. I’ll be down there with Jason Gorber and Anne T. Donahue to make everyone feel very, very sorry it went down like this.


pm groundhog-day-bill-murray-6This week on Someone Else’s Movie, filmmaker (and Seventh Art co-founder) Pavan Moondi discusses Harold Ramis’ Groundhog Day, for which you surely have warm feelings already. I’ve been planning to book Pavan for an episode for a while, and with his new movie Diamond Tongues opening in Toronto on Friday, this was the ideal opportunity. Listen! Laugh! Learn?

As always, you can find it on iTunes, Stitcher or direct download. Maybe you’d enjoy listening to it on your way down to the Lightbox this evening to watch me square off against Jason Gorber in our second Versus engagement?

Jason’s championing Christian Bale as the movies’ best Batman in The Dark Knight at 8:45 pm. I will be respectfully disagreeing — it’s a great movie, but the real-world treatment of Batman lacks the essential craziness that Michael Keaton brought to his performance in Tim Burton’s films. Come on down and judge for yourself, why not?

Party Time

imgres2310263j8lRRzimVq0aW57pvmyVDqVmzOSWbpC9rjF0BAr1M6c3yT0CcOGfb6Gf8IFod5N+WaaOen8ziJMaAFgjMT0NlAThis week on Someone Else’s Movie, actual millennial Chandler Levack — screenwriter, filmmaker, organizer of the Feminist Live Read of Entourage — brings Can’t Hardly Wait into the basement for a conversation about role models, teen comedies and the death of generational expectations, among other things.

It’s a deeper episode than I thought this film would yield, and I’m delighted by that. Get it on  iTunes, Stitcher, or direct download — really, whatever works for you.

And then think about coming down to the Lightbox tonight for the first event in TIFF’s summer Versus series, which pits me against Jason Gorber for the hearts and minds of Toronto’s Batman fan base. Cheer me on at 8:45 pm,  as I make the case for Tim Burton’s Batman Returns! It’s gonna be good!

And even if it isn’t good, it’s gonna be weird. Seriously, check it out.

A Kid And His Picture

ThompsonGentlemenWell, this was a great one.

Scott Thompson — actor, comedian, podcaster, Guy Who’s Finally Back On Hannibal As Of Thursday — is my guest this week on Someone Else’s Movie, and he picked Howard Hawks’ 1953 musical Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, with Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell and that magnificent “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” production number. The movie was delightful, and the conversation even more so; Thompson is a natural performer, as you’d expect, but he’s also a very savvy interpreter of cinema, even if he doesn’t think he is.

Also, I taught him what “rapey” means. Hashtag proud.

As usual, you can find it on  iTunes and Stitcher, or via direct download. Caution, language.

More on Marvel

In light of Peyton Reed’s Ant-Man opening to a $58 million weekend — which was considered a disappointment after the gargantuan numbers posted by every other Marvel movie since 2008’s The Incredible Hulk — the guys at the MAMO podcast invited me to join them their latest round table and offer some thoughts on the movie and the character, and ambitions and limitations of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general, especially after this week’s State-Of-The-MCU piece.

I had fun! You should listen! Even if the background noise is a little on the loud side.

Something a Little Different

kiva Did you spend all weekend being vaguely aware of news coming out of Comic-Con? Talk of Batman versus Superman, and so forth? Well, this week’s Someone Else’s Movie is happy to coast on the general pop-culture buzz with our very first Splintersode.

See, every recording session has some stuff that strays beyond the established concept of the show, and sometimes that includes some wonderful stuff about art and culture that I regret not being able to include. So think of this week’s show as a little salvage operation, rescuing valuable observations and anecdotes from Kiva Reardon and Faith Erin Hicks and preserving them for all time.

As always, you can get it on your iTunes and your Stitcher, or by direct download. And if you like it, please let me know. I’ve got more.

Subliminally Someone Else’s Movie

MattBTTF Teaser Image Well, it happened: Someone picked Back to the Future for their episode of Someone Else’s Movie.

Who took the bait? None other than Pretend We’re Kissing writer-director Matt Austin Sadowksi, who marks the release of his movie on a number of VOD platforms by celebrating one of his — and my — favorite films.

iTunesStitcher! Direct download! Whoa, this is heavy.

Oh, and to extend the whole alternate-reality thing a little further, Chandler Levack is doing a gender-swapped reading of the Entourage pilot tomorrow night with some very interesting people. She tells me about it over at the NOW site.

Sibling Revelry

WILNER_MIKEbull-durhamIt was inevitable that my brother Mike would be a guest on Someone Else’s Movie. He’s a broadcaster! He’s been in a movie! Why wouldn’t I tap him on a holiday weekend?

But so there. Mike Wilner is this week’s guest, and he totally qualifies to be on the show, so shut up. Who better to discuss Ron Shelton’s 1988 romantic comedy Bull Durham? It’s a damn baseball movie!

Anyway, here’s the iTunes link, and the Stitcher link, and the direct download option. Enjoy it!

Sweet, Sweary Sixteen

This week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie may be our funniest to date. It’s certainly the one with the most laughter, since Marilla Wex has what I can best describe as a hair-trigger giggle, and it proves infectious as we talk about Matthew Vaughn’s somewhat self-aware Bond sendup Kingsman: The Secret Service.

Please do check it out, whether by iTunes or Stitcher or direct downloadery. I promise you’ll be laughing too.

Fourteen, For A Start

AriGosling It’s a special week for listeners of Someone Else’s Movie, who’ll be enjoying not one but two full-length episodes of the podcast. I mean, why not?

Today, Orphan Black‘s Ari Millen brings Henry Bean’s 2001 psychodrama The Believer into the basement, bringing an actor’s focus (and some interesting personal history) to what might have been a problematic title. Check it out, won’t you?

iTunes. Stitcher. Direct download. Pick your delivery mechanism, they’re all solid.