The Oscar nominations rolled out this morning, and I’m likely working on something for the NOW site about them right this second — unless you’re reading this between 8:40 and 8:50 am Toronto time, in which case I’m discussing them live on NewsTalk 1010! (You can listen in by clicking the red box at the right of their home page.)
But if you pick up the physical paper, you’ll find my report from theĀ Gangster Squad press junket — in which Josh Brolin is very serious and Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are very, very silly — and a look at TIFF’s Keanu Reeves retrospective, which starts tomorrow night.
Just guessing, but I’m willing to bet that none of the people mentioned above is up for an Oscar this year. I like ’em all a lot, though.
Glad you mentioned Joss Whedon for Cabin in the Woods. I don’t get out to many movies until they hit the movie channels, but from what I did see, Life of Pi and Cabin in the Woods tied for my favorites of the year (for very different reasons, obviously). I was kind of hoping Bradley (I’ll never get to see a Merman) Whitford would get a supporting actor nomination for it.
I’m also glad that Tom Hooper didn’t get a director nomination for Les Miserables. I didn’t find the quality of some of the voices distracting the way some people do, but the staging of much of the movie, choices about filming certain scenes (extreme close-ups, quick shots of individuals in ensemble pieces rather than wider shots, etc.) VERY distracting. I enjoyed The King’s Speech quite a bit, and although I basically enjoyed Les Mis, I think Hooper could have done a much better job.