So late last week, MSN Canada posted a whack of my stuff, and although I tweeted the links I totally forgot to post them here. Did you miss them? Well, then they’re New to You.
Tied to my Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit spy day, here are interviews with actor Nonso Anozie and Tom Clancy franchise-keeper Mace Neufeld, to whom I last spoke all the way back in 1994 on the Clear and Present Danger junket in San Francisco. We were so much younger then.
What else? Well, if you’ve seen Penn & Teller’s excellent documentary Tim’s Vermeer you’ll surely be interested in my conversation with its subject, Tim Jenison. (If you haven’t seen it, read the interview and you’ll want to.)
And then there’s the man in the photo, Johnny Knoxville, who discusses the lost pranks and arduous makeup regimen of Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa, packaged for your delectation in the current VOD exclusive Bad Grandpa .5. Even if you’re not into the whole Jackass thing, give it a read. He’s a pretty interesting guy.