Hot Docs is off and running today, which means it’s time to turn our attention to the world of fiction — well, mostly. It’s a Friday, and movies are opening!
“Act of God“: Fresh from opening Hot Docs, Jennifer Baichwal’s exploration of the metaphysical implications of lightning settles into its Toronto commercial run. I think it’s pretty great, but then I’m closer to the material than most.
“Adrift in Tokyo”: Andrew wasn’t as fond of Satoshi Miki’s droll little study — about a shiftless Japanese student and the loan shark who tries to snap him out of his torpor — as I was, but if you’re in the mood for a small-scale character piece, you could certainly do worse. It isn’t likely to have a long run, so seek it out soon.
“Bart Got a Room”: A nerdy kid tries to build himself the perfect prom, or something. Honestly, all I’ve been able to retain from the trailer is William H. Macy’s hideous perm. And since neither Jason nor Susan found it worthwhile, I think I’ll let it slide.
“Ghosts of Girlfriends Past”: It’s a remake of “A Christmas Carol”. Starring Matthew McConaughey as Scrooge, basically. Only he’s a miser of love, see, having never given himself fully to a romantic partner. And on the eve of his brother’s marriage, he’s visited by three ghosts who show him the true meaning of … oh, Christ, I can’t even type the words. Rad — who tied the knot himself just a couple of weeks ago — takes the bullet.
“Lemon Tree“: Eran Riklis, director of “The Syrian Bride”, takes another look at Israeli border issues with this subtle drama, featuring the wonderful Hiam Abbass as a Palestinian woman caught between bureaucracy and a hard place.
“X-Men Origins: Wolverine“: Hugh Jackman and 20th Century Fox burn off the last ounces of fan goodwill for Bryan Singer’s excellent pair of mutant movies with this utterly unnecessary exploration of the amnesiac furball’s backstory. Hey, it’s totally possible to make vital, ingenious prequels to beloved genre properties — trust me, they’re out there — but this ain’t one of ’em, bub. Review will be online shortly. (UPDATE: There it is!)