Look, I wanted to do a Friday post, I really did. I had plenty of stuff to post about! But I just didn’t have time, and then it was Saturday and then it was Sunday and Monday was a blur and now it’s Tuesday again and here we are.
Still, no post on Friday makes for an extra dense post today, so that’s nice. Start with the latest episode of Someone Else’s Movie, where I welcome writer-director Jessica Ellis to talk about the upbeat, entirely commercial pleasures of The Martian, as enjoyable a film as Ridley Scott has ever delivered. We also talk about her own movie, What Lies West, which just came out on VOD last week and which I liked a lot.
Give it a listen! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher to get the episode instantly, or download it directly from the web. And then there’s so much more to listen and read!
Like today’s episode of NOW What, for instance, which finds me talking to Jamil Fiorino-Habib about the way social media has changed the calculus on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and how our individual experiences of social media on this topic can be very different. And then there’s Friday’s episode, in which Enzo talks to Toronto lawyer Caryma Sa’d about the service she’s doing for us all by monitoring those ridiculous lockdown protests.
Rather read words? There’s last week’s What to Watch page, full of reviews and recommendations, and our list of fifty great films currently streaming on Netflix, which took a lot longer to put together than you might think. (I started writing my capsules in February!) One title you will not find in that list is The Woman in the Window, which is garbage, as I explain at length in this stand-alone review because the movie was embargoed and couldn’t be included in the digest.
Oh, and I checked in with Ben Wheatley about the making of his new eco-horror thriller In The Earth. There’s even video!
That’s everything, I think. More on Friday, assuming everything works out the way it’s supposed to.
(It probably won’t. Apologies in advance.)