This week on Someone Else’s Movie, Toronto writer-director Ingrid Veninger tackles John Cassavetes’ masterpiece A Woman Under the Influence.
I’ve been waiting for someone to pick this film; in fact, I half-expected a couple of other guests to have picked it. But Ingrid got there first, and the result is a really good episode. You should listen to it — either via iTunes, Stitcher or direct download — and if you’re in town on Sunday you should come to the Toronto premiere of Ingrid’s new movie, He Hated Pigeons, at the Bloor. 3 pm, pay what you can.
And if you’re in town right now, maybe check out the Toronto premiere of Queen of Earth down at the Royal tonight? It’s the new film from last week’s SEMcast guest, Alex Ross Perry. I wrote about it here. It’s very good.