Working Boy

Guidance-2working_girl3-thumb-600x3361This week on Someone Else’s Movie, Pat Mills — writer, director and star of the new comedy Guidance — joins me to discuss the mysterious alchemy of Mike Nichols’ Working Girl, a movie where Melanie Griffith got an Oscar nomination, Harrison Ford played a charming romantic lead and Sigourney Weaver was just the best, and no one noticed. We had a fun conversation about a fascinating example of ’80s studio moviemaking, and I think you would enjoy listening.

You can get it on iTunes oStitcher, or by direct download. (If you’re going to the SEMcast site, I’d recommend downloading the file rather than using the streaming player, by the way; some people have reported problems with pausing and fast-forwarding.)

In other news, Team Keaton was defeated by Team Bale (or, more likely, Team Christopher Nolan Fanboy) in this summer’s Versus series, so TIFF is punishing everyone by showing them what a really campy Batman movie looks like. Yup, Adam West and Burt Ward run around in spandex in 1966’s ultra-cartoonish Batman: The Movie, screening tonight at 9 pm at the TIFF Bell Lightbox. I’ll be down there with Jason Gorber and Anne T. Donahue to make everyone feel very, very sorry it went down like this.

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