It’s no surprise that Toronto is under more goddamn snow this morning — this is January, after all — but it’s still annoying. And the temperature is supposed to creep up above freezing this afternoon, which means the snow will turn to slush and everything will suck even more.
But! If you’re able to crawl out of your burrow, come out to The Royal this evening and join me for this month’s NOW Free Flick: John Hughes’ Uncle Buck, a beloved all-ages celebration of immature antics featuring John Candy and Macaulay Culkin. People love it. I’m introducing it. It’s free. Why complain.
All the details are at our Facebook page, but you know the drill: Doors open at 6:30 pm, show starts at 7:30 pm, the first hundred guests get free popcorn and everybody gets a free movie. See you there?
Also, I wrote some stuff about last night’s Golden Globes ceremony, which actually seemed to matter for the first time in living memory. So that was nice.