Toronto Film Critics Make It Rain For “Watermark”

watermark… was my rejected headline for the press release the TFCA sent out last night about our naming Jennifer Baichwal and Edward Burtynsky’s meditative documentary the Best Canadian Film of 2013, and thus awarding the filmmakers a $100,000 cash prize from the fine folks at Rogers Communications. I wonder whether it’ll turn up in any of the coverage.

If you’ve been meaning to catch up to Watermark, it’s screening in Toronto Friday night and Saturday afternoon as part of TIFF’s Canada’s Top Ten, and it is very much worth your time.

Still need convincing? Check out my NOW interview with directors Jennifer Baichwal and Edward Burtynsky. Seriously, what’s wrong with you?

Oh, also, here’s a thing on tonight’s Doc Soup presentation, which I did not much like.

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