The World Beyond Hot Docs, Mostly

Central Park FiveHaving signed off on my content for this week’s Hot Docs issue, I’ve been catching up on my MSN obligations. Keeping everybody happy can be exhausting sometimes.

This week’s DVD column takes a look at Ken Burns’ grim documentary The Central Park Five, which sadly gains new resonance in the light of all the “dark-skinned individual” bullshit that followed the Boston Marathon bombings; I also caught up with Ruben Fleischer, director of Gangster Squad, as that film comes to disc.

See? Despite all my tweeting, I’m a productive member of the media!

One thought on “The World Beyond Hot Docs, Mostly”

  1. I was disgusted to find out how long the (now) men in the Central Park Five who have sued have gone without resolution of their case. Unlike the West Memphis three, who had to technically plead guilty while maintaining innocence, thereby, I assume, eliminating any chance of a wrongful conviction settlement, the Central Park five were cleared entirely. Hopefully this documentary will put some pressure on the powers that stall to move on this.

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