The Rewards of Persistence

This week on Someone Else’s Movie, author, actor and podcast superstar John Hodgman joins me in the studio for a conversation that’s been a long time coming.

How long? Well, we first started trying to lock down a session in July of 2015, when John was preparing to perform his Vacationland monologue in town at JFL 42 that fall; since then, we’ve tried to set up tapings in Los Angeles and New York, with no luck. But he was always willing, if not available, and I finally got him when he came back to Toronto earlier this year to talk about a movie that hadn’t even been made when I first approached him: Kenneth Branagh’s almost preposterously lavish adaptation of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express.

And now, bringing things full circle-ish, I’m releasing this episode on the day that the book version of Vacationland arrives in paperback. It’s a lovely read, and I encourage you to buy it at your local independent bookseller. (If you don’t have any of those left, there’s always Amazon Canada.)

So here it is. Listen and enjoy, because this one’s an absolute delight even if you do hear me coughing in the background once or twice. That winter cold was a mother.

You can subscribe to the show on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play or Stitcher, or download the episode directly from the web. And you should add Maximum Fun’s Judge John Hodgman to your podcast rotation while you’re at it; it’s a constant pleasure.

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