So, you feeling up to going back to the movies? A lot of people are, and I’m reasonably confident it’ll stick this time. I mean, it’s not like Doug Ford will mandate another lockdown in an election year; if anything, he’ll open everything back up to 100% by March break.
But if you’ve been itching to catch Nightmare Alley now that it’s screening again, I’ve got the ideal opportunity for you: The black-and-white version is playing Sunday at 1 pm at the Varsity, and I’ll be there to talk to producer J. Miles Dale afterward! Masked and everything! That’ll be fun, right? (I think it will, anyway.) You can get tickets here.
And if you’d rather stay in, I certainly understand. Here’s this week’s What to Watch page, which is taken up with streaming stuff — no new openings this weekend, thanks to the no-show of Moonfall — and here’s a longer version of my Pam & Tommy review, which digs a little deeper into my issues with its structure and perspective.
And, it being Friday and all, here’s the latest episode of NOW What, in which I talk to activists Ahmad Jarrar and Mskwaasin Agnew about the demonstrations they held in Toronto last week, and what it says that the local media decided to focus on the white-supremacist tailgate party in Ottawa instead. I’m sure they’ll be just as distracted this weekend when the bozos come to Queen’s Park.
… yeah, things kinda suck right now, don’t they? Stay safe, watch movies.