We don’t often talk about public bathrooms, but trust me: Sooner or later, you’re going to need one. Good weather and the end of the stay-at-home order mean people are about to spend a lot more time out of the house … but COVID has made a lot of public facilities inaccessible, complicating things for city planners and individuals in need of a pit stop.
Because this week’s NOW is all about getting outside, for today’s episode of NOW What I talked toilets with Lezlie Lowe, author of No Place to Go, and Toronto parks and rec spokesperson Jane Arbour. It’s a complicated issue — though it doesn’t need to be — and I actually learned stuff! You can too!
And of course there’s my usual beat. Here’s this week’s What to Watch page, and here are my expanded reviews of Sweet Tooth and the new season of Feel Good … you know, if you need a reason to stay inside this weekend.