On this week’s episode of Someone Else’s Movie, I get to have a really fun conversation with comedian and actor Chris Locke.
I’ve been chasing Chris for a while, since I’ve been enjoying his work in literally every TV series produced in Toronto (including Run the Burbs, which returns for its third season tonight on CBC and CBC Gem), and a number of movies besides.
One of them is Jeremy Larter’s very charming PEI private eye comedy Who’s Yer Father?, now available on digital after a fall theatrical run, and it gave us the opportunity to schedule a SEMcast about a film very dear to Chris’ heart: The Wrong Guy, the 1997 comedy where Dave Foley played the worst fugitive in the world. Barely acknowledged at the time, it’s become a sort of cult object among comics and other professionally funny people, so it was a pleasure to talk it over with someone who counts himself a super-fan … even if it wasn’t the film we’d expected to discuss when we sat down.
I should also point out that this was recorded just before the new season of Fargo, and neither of us knew Dave Foley was going to be awesome in that. So there.
It’s a fun one! Subscribe at the usual locations — Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify — or download the episode directly from the web and listen to it as you rifle through a hospital room looking for ways to disguise your identity.
And then get caught up on your Shiny Things reading! It won’t take long this week because there wasn’t much to write about — but I did take a look at Shout! Studios’ new Blu-ray of Walter Hill’s Depression-era Yojimbo remake Last Man Standing, and shared my optimism for the year that’s coming. Because I’m an idiot. Subscribe, why don’t you?