No, I didn’t post a Friday post this week. In my defense, I didn’t have a lot of keyboard time: I spent most of the afternoon getting my second vaccination, which left me a little flattened yesterday. But I’m back to myself now and filling in the blanks.
So! Friday’s episode of NOW What was a conversation about art, which is always nice, expanding on Kelsey’s look at the AGO’s Portraits of Resilience project by the two of us talking to contributors Amanta Scott, Deborah Farquharson, Katy Catchpole, Keith Eager and Mariana Topfstedt about how they created the images they submitted. You can find it at the bottom of Kelsey’s story, or on your podcast platform of choice. I think it sets a record for the largest number of guests we’ve had on an episode!
Also, the usual stuff: Here’s this week’s What to Watch page, which includes my reviews of French Exit and Wrath of Man; I also contributed a few reviews to our Inside Out festival preview, and there’s some other stuff that should go live today or tomorrow that I’ll update on Tuesday.
And now, I have to get back to the thing I was supposed to do yesterday but couldn’t complete because of my aforementioned Robust Immune Response.
Totally worth it, though.