Oh, come on. Of course there’d be no one foolish enough to take on Iron Man Three this weekend — even if it wasn’t arriving with the smashing success of The Avengers behind it, you just do not get in the way of Robert Downey, Jr. when he’s wearing that armor.
More to the point, it’s also pretty damn great, and it deserves every last million it stands to earn. Let’s see how high this baby can fly.
Oh, also opening this week, presumably as counterprogramming options: Kon-Tiki and Still Mine. Both decent enough, in their way. But neither of them is Iron Man Three.
So is it “Iron Man Three” or “Iron Man 3”?
These questions trouble me.
It’s “Iron Man Three” on-screen and “Iron Man 3” everywhere else. Evidently Marvel and Disney are out to trigger OCD on a global scale.
I felt the “Iron Man Three” title card was done that way as part of the general 70’s-spy vibe of the outrageously awesome closing credits, so not perhaps to be taken as supplanting “Iron Man 3”.
Maybe, but my OCD dictates that I treat the on-screen title as canonical, so I’m stuck with it …