I first met Alanna Bale on my 50th birthday — which was also the day of that Killjoys set visit, where she was introduced to the assembled press as the big bad of the final season.
But because the show was shooting its fourth and fifth seasons back to back, none of us knew anything about her character, known only as The Lady, or how she’d be deployed within the storyline. So we had to interview her without knowing anything at all, which turned out to be a fun conceptual challenge.
Of course, now that the series has aired we all know The Lady turned out to be an excellent Big Bad, and Alanna’s performance aligned perfectly with Killjoys‘ realm of high-stakes space adventure and goofball sincerity. So it was a pleasure to catch up with her nearly four years later — with her new movie Kicking Blood rolling onto VOD next week — for an episode of Someone Else’s Movie, in which we discuss a movie I’m frankly amazed no one has mentioned in nearly 400 episodes: The Blair Witch Project. Alanna came to that film in a pretty unique way too, as it turns out.
No spoilers, just listen. Subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher or wherever and get it instantly, or download it directly from the web. And while you’re subscribing to stuff you can catch up to last week’s Extremely Art House edition of Shiny Things, in which I looked at the new Blu-rays of Vive L’Amour, The Tales of Hoffmann, The Funeral and ‘Round Midnight.
Or maybe you’d rather listen to me goof around on CBC’s Day 6 about all the alternate Jurassic Park scripts that never happened. I dunno, I’m not omniscient.