Sometimes, when I’m booking a guest for Someone Else’s Movie, that guest will pick a film I simply did not see coming.
Michael Dowse on Heaven’s Gate, for example. Jason Connery on The Room. And most recently, Patrick Wang on Electra Glide in Blue.
This week, though? The choice literally came out of left field, when filmmaker Matt Gallagher — whose devastating documentary Prey makes its broadcast and streaming premiere tonight at 9 pm on TVOntario and — chose Bennett Miller’s Moneyball, which is a very engaging sports picture that has, like, nothing at all to do with Matt’s work.
But, as is my weird gift, we wound up making a connection between a drama where stats-based analysis revolutionizes MLB team-building and a doc about an abuse survivor seeking to hold the Catholic Church accountable for allowing his abuser to evade exposure. It’s also a strangely upbeat episode, given that subject matter.
So step up to the plate, as it were. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher to get the episode instantly, or stream it on Spotify, or just download it directly from the web. And enjoy it, because we covered a lot of ground and I think it turned out really well.