There may be an ocean between us, but I’m still on the ball, review-wise. Forgive me for going short.
The Legend of Barney Thomson: Carlyle’s directorial debut. Not Sweeney Todd.
London Has Fallen: Bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks shite.
Mountains May Depart: Jia’s epic view of China’s transition.
Numb: Hunting for treasure? Wait for spring.
Older Than Ireland: Centenarians remember the old days. Bless. [Update: Fixed!]
Song of Lahore: Pakistani musicians get into American jazz. [Glenn]
The Wave: Norway’s first disaster movie. Not bad! [Susan]
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: I have not seen this yet.
Zootopia: A genuinely daring allegory from Disney.
See, I’m taking care of you. Have a good weekend, everybody!
FYI, your link to Older Than Ireland goes to the wrong review.
A couple weeks late, but do you ever get tired of being right? My husband and I saw The Witch today and thought of three better endings than the actual last few minutes just on the way to the car. Rest was good though. Boy Puritanism looks cheerful!